Organise your Underwear with these easy tips.
A great place to start to get your wardrobe organised is your undies drawer!
Your underwear really is the underpinning of your whole wardrobe, so it’s an important area that can be overlooked because it’s not as visible as our clothes and accessories.
Getting Started
Set aside some 'ME" time, take a rubbish bag and go through your underwear drawer. Throw away any that:
are uncomfortable
are old, worn or faded
no longer fit
you don’t feel fabulous in
Next, it’s time to assess what’s left and sort them categories - I usually do underpants, g-strings, bras and special occasion items. (I keep sports bras with my work out gear).
Assess what’s Left
Now is the perfect time to stocktake. Make note what needs to be replaced or any gaps in your collection, i.e. a good strapless bra that doesn't cut off your circulation! I personally love the Intimo strapless bra’s, you can check them out here.
Over time our bodies change so get yourself a professional bra fitting if you haven't had one for a while. A well-fitting bra can take kilo’s and years of your figure and change your whole look!
Now to get organising
Think of your drawers as valuable real estate.
Give your everyday items an easy to access place towards the front of the drawer/ basket/ cupboard and make them look pretty!
It's a good idea to put special occasion or underwear that you may wear only occasionally, towards the back of your storage area.
Don’t fold you bra cups into each other as it damages them and shortens the life span of your bra. Simply do the back hook up, tuck the straps in and lay it flat this way. You can then gently stack them one behind the other, making them easily visible and easy to find the one you need for your days outfit.
Dividers or baskets work well to keep different items segregated, also think about using shoe boxes or old gift boxes as an economical, planet friendly option. The aim is to make it easy to put things away and easy to access what you need.
Your underwear drawer is the perfect starting point if you are new to decluttering and organising and want to improve your wardrobe. You can accomplish a lot in a short period of time and it will be easier to find what you need when you're getting dressed in a hurry.
Want a helping hand in organising your wardrobe? My Wardrobe Magic Package could be just what you need!